Saturday, June 23, 2018

Alcatraz at NIGHT - eerie, chilling, perfect!

When we went to San Francisco a couple of years ago, we knew Alcatraz was on our list. We did some research before we went and realized the best ticket to score was to tour the island at NIGHT! It's a special park program limited to a few hundred visitors a day, so you need to buy your tickets WAY in advance. The evening tour also offers special programs, tours and activities not offered in the day, and even allows special access to certain areas normally closed during the day. This is a MUST DO.

We headed over to the island in full light. The views were incredible. I am so fascinated by this island and the stories. This tour also circles the island and gives you narrated history about various things, including those that tried to escape!
When we docked, we were greeted by one of the park rangers. If you didn't know Alcatraz is now protected by the National Park Services and is a National Historic Place. The ranger led us up the hill to the cell-house, and we stopped along the way to learn about the history and family life on the island. For workers at the prison, their families LIVED on the island. Can you imagine?!? 
We all received a headset for our audio tour and headed inside. First stop was the laundry room...
...then headed into the cell block. One super cool thing about our audio tour is that there were actual interviews from former prisoners there. It made it way too real!
After our audio tour of the cell block, we headed over to the "mess hall". It is connected to the main cell block by a corridor referred to as "Times Square".
They still have the menu up from the last breakfast served to the prisoners!
After leaving the dining hall, there was still some light in the sky. We were able to walk all around the island. One thing we were NOT prepared for us the beauty of the island. Talk about the right climate. There were so many flowers and birds. It was beautiful.
The sun is starting to set in the west, and we continue to walk around the island. When they say you are the only visitors on the island during the night tour, they mean it! It was incredibly eerie and spooky. You would be the only person is sight walking down this trail. We wondered if anyone got accidentally left on the island during these tours! 

Here is the Golden Gate in the background....(it's SUPER windy)
 And a shot of the city.....
As the sun finally set, one of the special programs we chose to see was the opening and closing of the cell doors. This was one of the creepiest sounds EVER. They are set to all open and close at the same time. The sounds when the doors closed reverberated through the prison! It was SO loud! 
We can't recommend this tour enough. If you are going to Alcatraz - definitely opt for the night tour. You arrive and have plenty of light for the first part of your visit, then basically get the island to yourself in the dark for the rest. When you leave -- the workers even get on your ferry. It's closing time!
And we'll leave you with some words from one of the most famous residents of the Rock....

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